MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT: If accepted, I agree to abide by the Club By-laws & all other club rules. I will submit my application fee with this application on the following checkout page OR will make arrangements to pay via cash/check in person or by snail mail. I further understand this is an annual membership with renewal due by February 15th of each year to remain a member in good standing. By checking the box below, I am indicating that I agree to these membership requirements, and that this will act as a digital signature.
KEY CARDS: Information on this form is used by the CCC&C Club staff only to activate your key card for club access. The card will not be mailed & must be picked up in person at the club on a future visit. Cards may take a week to be programmed. By clicking the box below, I agree to pick-up my card and the checkbox will act as my digital signature.
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Product Details
The men's membership includes single club membership/key card.
eligibility to purchase key for access to shooting range (+$100)
Subject to board approval of membership application. Key is issued at completion of gun range safety meeting (by appointment only). Request appt. by email to
eligibility to purchase key for boat ramp access (+$20)